Accelerated Data Science
Learning Objectives
- Python for beginners
- What is machine learning and what are algorithms?
- Use algorithms using Python
- How to train models, to avoid over fitting?
- How to interpret output of different algorithms?
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- What is Deep Learning?
- Tensorflow and keras for Deep Learning
- Understand what are tensors
- What is NLP? and different aspects of NLP
- What is computer vision? And different applications of computer vision ∙ How to know the limitations of the solution proposed?
- You will be a hands-on data scientist at the end of the Module
About The Module
In this module you will learn popular machine learning algorithms such as AI, classification, principal component analysis, concept of errors, parameter regularization and feature selection.
There is a slew of courses in the market from very long duration to very short duration. We have from our experience distilled the right balance of topics for you. The course touches on the topics which are critical and the backbone of a modern data science practice. We save your time, in terms of going through un necessary details and yet transforming you into a powerful and performing data scientist.
You will learn how to prepare data for machine learning algorithms. The use of real-life cases will make you industry-ready. All the algorithms will be discussed in detail and even multiple algorithms will be discussed when required. For example, in classification we will discuss decision trees, support vector machines, random forests, Monte Carlo Markov Chain based classifiers.
AI is a part of our daily lives-whether it is our mobile phone based personal advisers such as Cortana and Siri or chatting with a delivery app through a Chatbot. The Indian industry has a huge demand for AI developers and people from all walks of life are interested to join the bandwagon.
In this Module you will learn what is Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP). Real use cases would be used for NLP and Deep Learning. Computer vision and related use cases will be discussed
The Module is designed in such a way that irrespective of whether you are a techie or not, you will be able to master the contents and application.
50 hours (2 hours per session)
This module is designed for experienced professionals who want to switch careers and move to data science and leverage the experience of leading industry and
academic experts. Working knowledge of Python is required.
Free knowledge sharing recorded sessions/videos by industry experts on Niche Topics
Internship and Placement assistance through Task Staffing Solutions Private Limited (One of our Group Company)
Use cases, capstone projects & real time data for better practical exposure
Dedicated Relationship Managers (RMs) to assist you in completion of the module
Weekend sessions, especially for working professionals
Networking with Like Minded Professionals An Initiative from Task Group which has been servicing in the Indian Employment Market for last 24 years